Afghanistan '11 (PC) DIGITAL

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od 2,99 €
23 rokov
7x finalista
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Aktivácia: SteamSteamŠtítky: Ťahové, Vojenské
Typ hry: Hra pre jedného hráča
Jazyk: AngličtinaAngličtina
Kód produktu: 7378114
  • Afghanistan '11 is the sequel to the highly praised and innovative Vietnam '65. It enhances and builds on it: Afghanistan '11 changes the paradigm of wargaming and manages to bring Counter-Insurgency and guerrilla warfare to your screen, properly represented thanks to a revolutionary gameplay formula!
    The year is 2011, you are commanding the US army operations in Afghanistan.
    But contrary to the previous generations of military officers in your family, killing the enemy is only a secondary mission.
    Most of your efforts and resources are spent elsewhere trying to grab the Hearts & Minds of the local population. Providing security to the civilians, persuading the local villagers to reject the Taliban and isolating Militia leaders is your main focus.
    Counter-Insurgency will have better results in the long run than conventional tactics but a simple incident during a routine patrol can ruin your relationship with the locals and damage your image in the Western newspapers.
    The Afghanistan terrain offers a very good cover to the rebels who can easily hide in the mountains and natural caves. Patience and good use of technology can give you the decisive advantage in this merciless game of hide and seek. When you spot an enemy unit or an opium plantation with a drone, you call in air support or artillery to eliminate the target immediately: speed will be crucial!.
    But having the air supremacy is not enough to win the war against the insurgents. IEDs, rocket launchers and sneaky ambushes are common threats for your ground units and helicopters.
    Casualties weaken the morale and the overall support from the folks back home in the USA, so make sure to keep your men safe and well supplied, and victory may well be yours...

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