Frankenstein: Master of Death (PC) DIGITAL

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od 2,99 €
23 rokov
7x finalista
Ceny kvality
Aktivácia: SteamSteamTyp hry: Hra pre jedného hráča
Jazyk: AngličtinaAngličtina
Štítky: Hľadanie predmetov
Kód produktu: 7434022
  • Victor Frankenstein, an old friend and a brilliant scientist has managed to resurrect the dead! However the border between life and death is fragile and Victor has learned the hard way that this balance should not be tempered with...
    Face terrible monsters, overcome obstacles and solve clues. Save unhappy creatures from being a victim of an extremely inhuman experiment and stop the baron Igor.
    Help restore the course of nature and save Victor and his wife, Elizabeth!
    A new look into a classic story
    Solve fantastic puzzles
    Stunning 2k HD graphics

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