Voyage: Journey to the Moon

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od 2,99 €
23 rokov
7x finalista
Ceny kvality
Aktivácia: SteamSteamŠtítky: Logické
Typ hry: Hra pre jedného hráča
Jazyk: AngličtinaAngličtina
Kód produktu: 7272175
  • Play the eccentric Michel Ardan and go conquer the hidden face of the moon. Alone on the mysterious satellite, you'll explore the ruins of an abandoned temple and take part in surprising events... But are you really alone? Make fantastic discoveries and dare to go into the deepest depths of the moon to solve puzzles that will allow you to go back to Earth.
    Discover magnificent dream-like environments on the hidden side of the moon. Experience a voyage that will give you a complete change of scenery, and a non-linear script that will go beyond what you could have ever imagined.

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